Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good afternoon to everyone out there in cyberspace - family and friends. Here are more pictures of little Joel. We are enjoying every moment with him (well - almost every moment). This first picutre is the little guy taking a nap - something which he does very well doing!
These next pictures are from Joel's first day at the Beach. We all took a picnic down to a lake near us here in CA - it was so very warm outside! The water was quite cold; Joel was not impressed. But, he soaked through his outfit as soon as we got there so he lived in his diaper (yes - we do put clothes on him at times). We are conviced that we have one of the cutest babies ever - but then again, every parent is.

Thanks for enjoying Joel with us! We are so thankful for him, and so thankful that God has given him to us to raise and care for. Continue to pray for us as we endeavor more than anything to point Joel to Jesus Christ. Our longing is that He will one day confess Him as Lord and Savior - truly that will be a great day!

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