Friday, January 30, 2009

Still thankful and rejoicing,

This is going to be a quick update because we are about to leave for the hospital. Thank you for those who are holding Joel before the Throne of Grace. We are learning of God's goodness and His peace. There is a peace that passes all understand that only God provides. We cried out for this peace and our loving Heavenly Father has given that peace to us in abundance.

Little Joel is doing better. He is still in NICU, but doing much better. He has been on a ventilator since Wednesday afternoon. However, the ventilator levels are slowly decreasing. He began by receiving 100% oxygen through the ventilator and now he is down to 23% oxygen. The ventilator was also regulating how many full breathes he would take per minute. They started him off at 40 and now he is down to 25. This may or may not make sense to you, just know that it is a good thing.
As of yesterday afternoon they put him under a billi rubin lamp for some slight jaundice. This does not concern us to much, just because it is a quite common problem. He should come out from under the light this morning.

Please continue to pray that he will be able to breath on his own very soon. Lord willing He will soon be able to take full and slow breaths all by himself. Once he can breath on his own, they will begin feeding him through his mouth (currently it is all being done through an IV). Please pray that Joels body will be able to eat and digest food normally.

This is all for now. We are so very grateful for each of you and for your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been praying for you all! Thank you for the updates -- I will update my church family. Keep on!