Friday, June 19, 2009

Vacation Bible School

What a tremendous week this has been! This week we have had Vacation Bible School here at Grace. VBS is a kid's club for children ages 4 through grade 6. Our time includes games, crafts, skits, and a lesson time each evening. The theme of the week is "Global Expedition: the ultimate trek through God's world." The lessons are focused on the call of God -- how each person is a sinner and in need of God's grace and mercy. What a blessing it has been to hear some of the children really understanding these truths from the Bible!

It's been a full week for us, but a wonderfully rewarding week to be able to serve the Savior. Tonight is the last night, and we will have a special presentation for the parents at the end of the evening, followed by make your own ice cream sundaes...yummm!

Here's a couple recent pics of our fun little bundle of joy. Enjoy!

~ Katelyn :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pomp and Circumstance

It's the end of the year for our students, which means...graduation! We are thrilled to celebrate the graduation of 6 high school students. We praise the Lord for the work He has done in several of their lives as they have grown in Christ. What a blessing!

Grace Youth Senior Honors Banquet

Joel was pretty comfy at his first grad ceremony...

...and fell asleep.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wow, Joel is 4 months!

What a precious blessing this little one is to us! Joel is such a happy and contented baby. He smiles constantly now, well, except when the camera is out. For some reason he's very intrigued by the cameras, so he stops smiling and stares. Ahhh.... we still think he is pretty cute. :)

This past month has been quite full for our little family. In the beginning of May we traveled out to Illinois to visit the Schroeder side of the family and meet our new neice Hadessah. We had a wonderful time together! We spent the first week up in Wisconsin to have a family vacation where Justin grew up at Victory Home for Boys. What fun it was for me (Katelyn) to see and experience Justin's childhood! After that week Justin flew back home to CA and I stayed out with Joel for a week longer. We spent much time together and took lots of pictures!
Great Grandpa Schroeder

Great Grandma Schroeder

Papa & Mama Schroeder with their grandkids

the Schroeder it continues to expand

the new family of three

the other new family of three

Katelyn learning how to shoot skeet

The cousins hanging out :)

Waking up Uncle Caleb Joel hiking with Dad

Celebrating Katelyn's first mother's day

Joel & Uncle Jared